
October 11, 2021

Our work on the Generation of spin-polarized hot electrons at topological insulators surfaces by scattering from collective charge excitations is just appeared in Communications Physics.


September 01, 2021

We are looking for new master students, read more.


July 29, 2021

We are acting as Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Topological Spin Textures: From Fundamentals to Applications" in Symmetry.


July 17, 2021 

A new DFG funded project for our group. Congratulations on the new challenge!

April 28, 2021

The discovery of nonlinear decay of quantum confined magnons just appeared in Physical Review Letters arXiv:2102.04956


February 04, 2021

Our work on the observation of unconventional magnonic surface and interface states in layered ferromagnets is just appeared in Communications Physics.


December 18, 2020

Sergey Tsurkan defended his Ph. D thesis. Congratulations! Great Job!


August 29, 2020

The discovery of a giant Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in epitaxial magnetic bilayers is published as a Rapid Communication.

August 23, 2020

Sakineh Abdizadeh defended her Ph. D thesis. Congratulations! Great Job!


April 14, 2020

Our invited Topical Review on THz magnonic crystals just appeared in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.


March 01, 2020

Markus Döttling joined our group as a Ph. D student. We welcome our new group member.


January 14, 2020

Our work on dynamical switching of confined magnetic skyrmions under circular magnetic fields just appeared in Physical Review B.


December 18,  2019

Our work on experimental realization of atomic-scale magnonic crystals just appeared in Physical Review Letters.


September 01, 2019

Andrea Hjelt successfully defended her M. Sc. thesis. Congratulations! Great Job!


August 2, 2019

A new DFG funded project for our group. Congratulations on the new challenge!


July 11, 2019 

Our collaborative work on unconventional pairing in single FeSe layer is highlighted by APS as Editors' Suggestion. Thanks to all who have been involved.


April 31, 2019

Janek Wettstein successfully defended his M. Sc. thesis. Congratulations! Great Job!


November 20, 2018

Tobias Schreckenberger successfully defended his M. Sc. thesis. Congratulations! Great Job! 


October 01, 2018

Sakineh Abdizadeh joined our group as a guest PhD student via a DAAD scholarship. We welcome our new group member.


August 20,  2018

Andrea Hjelt joined our group as an M. Sc. student. We welcome our new group member.


May 01, 2018

Janek Wettstein joined our group as an M. Sc. student. We welcome our new group member.


March 2, 2018

What do we think about the feasibility of using terahertz magnons for ultrafast information processing?
See our perspective on "Terahertz Magnonics" published in Physica C 549, 164 (2018)



February 20, 2018

Dominik Rau successfully defended his M. Sc. thesis. Congratulations! Great Job!


December 29, 2017

Our recent work on confined ultrafast magnons is published in Physical Review Letters Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 267201 (2017) and is highlighted by the PRL Editors as "Editors' Suggestion"


November 20, 2017

Tobias Schreckenberger joined our group as an M. Sc. student. We welcome our new group member.


September 28, 2017

Our recent work on high-Tc Fe-based materials is published in Physical Review B Phys. Rev. B 96, 094531 (2017)  arXiv:1711.07322


May 01, 2017

Sergey Tsurkan joined our group as a Ph. D student. We welcome our new group member.

March 24, 2017

Our recent work on "Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Excitations: Terahertz Magnons above the Curie Temperature"  Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 127203 (2017) arXiv:1702.06104  is highlighted by:



February 20, 2017

Dominik Rau joined our group as an M. Sc. student. We welcome our new group member.