Giant Two-Level Systems in a Granular Superconductor
Kristen, M.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Bilmes, A.; Lisenfeld, J.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2024. Physical Review Letters, 132 (21), Artkl.Nr.: 217002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.217002
Random telegraph fluctuations in granular microwave resonators
Kristen, M.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2023. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (20), Art.-Nr.: 202602. doi:10.1063/5.0147430VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Quantum emulation of the transient dynamics in the multistate Landau-Zener model
Stehli, A.; Brehm, J. D.; Wolz, T.; Schneider, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Weides, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2023. npj Quantum Information, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 61. doi:10.1038/s41534-023-00731-7VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Two-level system hyperpolarization using a quantum Szilard engine
Spiecker, M.; Paluch, P.; Gosling, N.; Drucker, N.; Matityahu, S.; Gusenkova, D.; Günzler, S.; Rieger, D.; Takmakov, I.; Valenti, F.; Winkel, P.; Gebauer, R.; Sander, O.; Catelani, G.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Cohen, Y.; Pop, I. M.
2023. Nature Physics, 19, 1320–1325. doi:10.1038/s41567-023-02082-8VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions
Gatti, C.; Affronte, M.; Balanov, A.; Bonizzoni, C.; Brida, G.; Chiariello, F.; Chikhi, N.; Coda, G.; D’Elia, A.; Gioacchino, D. D.; Enrico, E.; Eremin, I.; Ernajes, M.; Il’ichev, E.; Fasolo, L.; Fistul, M.; Ghirri, A.; Greco, A.; Ligi, C.; Maccarone, G.; Meda, A.; Navez, P.; Oelsner, G.; Rajteri, M.; Rettaroli, A.; Ruggiero, B.; Savel’ev, S.; Silvestrini, P.; Tocci, S.; Ustinov, A.; Vanacore, P.; Zagoskin, A.; Lisitskiy, M.
2023. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 1–5. doi:10.1109/TASC.2023.3263807VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Slowing down light in a qubit metamaterial
Brehm, J. D.; Gebauer, R.; Stehli, A.; Poddubny, A. N. N.; Sander, O.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V. V.
2022. Applied Physics Letters, 121 (20), Article no: 204001. doi:10.1063/5.0122003VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Cavity-QED simulation of a quantum metamaterial with tunable disorder
Mazhorin, G. S.; Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Shapiro, D. S.; Remizov, S. V.; Pogosov, W. V.; Moskalev, D. O.; Pishchimova, A. A.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Rodionov, I. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Physical Review A, 105 (3), Art.-Nr.: 033519. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.033519
Simulation of the five-qubit quantum error correction code on superconducting qubits
Simakov, I. A.; Besedin, I. S.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Physical Review A, 105 (3), Artk.Nr.: 032409. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.032409
Microscopic quantum point contact formation as the electromigration mechanism in granular superconductor nanowires
Bartolo, T. C.; Smith, J. S.; Schön, Y.; Voss, J. N.; Cyster, M. J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Cole, J. H.
2022. New Journal of Physics, 24, Art.-Nr.: 073008. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac7a58VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Fluxons in high-impedance long Josephson junctions
Wildermuth, M.; Powalla, L.; Voss, J. N.; Schön, Y.; Schneider, A.; Fistul, M. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Applied Physics Letters, 120 (11), Art.-Nr.: 112601. doi:10.1063/5.0082197VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Phase-resolved visualization of radio-frequency standing waves in superconducting spiral resonator for metamaterial applications
Leha, A. A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Karpov, A.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Low Temperature Physics, 48 (2), 104–112. doi:10.1063/10.0009288
Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits
Brehm, J. D.; Poddubny, A. N.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. npj quantum materials, 6 (1), Art. Nr.: 10. doi:10.1038/s41535-021-00310-zVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Tunable Anderson localization of dark states
Brehm, J. D.; Pöpperl, P.; Mirlin, A. D.; Shnirman, A.; Stehli, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 104 (17), Art.-Nr.: 174202. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174202
In-situ bandaged Josephson junctions for superconducting quantum processors
Bilmes, A.; Händel, A. K.; Volosheniuk, S.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2021. Superconductor Science and Technology, 34 (12), Art.Nr. 125011. doi:10.1088/1361-6668/ac2a6dVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Eliminating Quantum Phase Slips in Superconducting Nanowires
Voss, J. N.; Schön, Y.; Wildermuth, M.; Dorer, D.; Cole, J. H.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. ACS nano, 15 (3), 4108–4114. doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c08721VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Tunable coupling scheme for implementing two-qubit gates on fluxonium qubits
Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Simakov, I. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (19), Art.Nr. 194001. doi:10.1063/5.0064800
Approaching Deep-Strong On-Chip Photon-To-Magnon Coupling
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Golubov, A. A.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review Applied, 16 (3), 034029. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.034029
Quantum beats of a magnetic fluxon in a two-cell SQUID
Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Seidov, S. S.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 103 (22), Art.Nr.: 224528. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224528
Topological excitations and bound photon pairs in a superconducting quantum metamaterial
Besedin, I. S.; Gorlach, M. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Tsitsilin, I.; Moskalenko, I. N.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Moskalev, D. O.; Matanin, A. R.; Smirnov, N. S.; Rodionov, I. A.; Poddubny, A. N.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 103 (22), Art.-Nr.: 224520. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224520
Ultrastrong photon-To-magnon coupling in multilayered heterostructures involving superconducting coherence via ferromagnetic layers
Golovchanskiy, I.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Weides, M.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.
2021. Science Advances, 7 (25), Art.-Nr.: eabe8638. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe8638VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Minimizing the Discrimination Time for Quantum States of an Artificial Atom
Takmakov, I.; Winkel, P.; Foroughi, F.; Planat, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Spiecker, M.; Rieger, D.; Grünhaupt, L.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Pop, I. M.; Roch, N.
2021. Physical review applied, 15 (6), Art. Nr.: 064029. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.064029
Quantum Nondemolition Dispersive Readout of a Superconducting Artificial Atom Using Large Photon Numbers
Gusenkova, D.; Spiecker, M.; Gebauer, R.; Willsch, M.; Willsch, D.; Valenti, F.; Karcher, N.; Grünhaupt, L.; Takmakov, I.; Winkel, P.; Rieger, D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Roch, N.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Michielsen, K.; Sander, O.; Pop, I. M.
2021. Physical review applied, 15 (6), Art. Nr.: 064030. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.064030VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Reducing the impact of radioactivity on quantum circuits in a deep-underground facility
Cardani, L.; Valenti, F.; Casali, N.; Catelani, G.; Charpentier, T.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cruciani, A.; D’Imperio, G.; Gironi, L.; Grünhaupt, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Henriques, F.; Lagoin, M.; Martinez, M.; Pettinari, G.; Rusconi, C.; Sander, O.; Tomei, C.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weber, M.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Vignati, M.; Pirro, S.; Pop, I. M.
2021. Nature Communications, 12 (1), Art.-Nr.: 2733. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23032-zVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Resolving the positions of defects in superconducting quantum bits
Bilmes, A.; Megrant, A.; Klimov, P.; Weiss, G.; Martinis, J. M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Art. Nr.: 3090. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59749-yVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Coherent superconducting qubits from a subtractive junction fabrication process
Stehli, A.; Brehm, J. D.; Wolz, T.; Baity, P.; Danilin, S.; Seferai, V.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. Applied physics letters, 117 (12), Art.-Nr.: 124005. doi:10.1063/5.0023533
Magnetization Dynamics in Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Chichkov, V. I.; Silaev, M.; Shchetinin, I. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.
2020. Physical review applied, 14 (2), Art.-Nr.: 024086. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.024086
Nonlinear spin waves in ferromagnetic/superconductor hybrids
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2020. Journal of applied physics, 127 (9), Art. Nr.: 093903. doi:10.1063/1.5141793
Probing the Tavis-Cummings Level Splitting with Intermediate-Scale Superconducting Circuits
Yang, P.; Brehm, J. D.; Leppäkangas, J.; Guo, L.; Marthaler, M.; Boventer, I.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. Physical review applied, 14 (2), Art.Nr. 024025. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.024025
Implementation of a Transmon Qubit Using Superconducting Granular Aluminum
Winkel, P.; Borisov, K.; Grünhaupt, L.; Rieger, D.; Spiecker, M.; Valenti, F.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Pop, I. M.
2020. Physical review / X, 10 (3), Art.Nr. 031032. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.10.031032VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Amplitude and frequency sensing of microwave fields with a superconducting transmon qudit
Kristen, M.; Schneider, A.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Danilin, S.; Ku, H. S.; Long, J.; Wu, X.; Lake, R.; Pappas, D. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. npj Quantum information, 6 (1), 57. doi:10.1038/s41534-020-00287-wVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Rabi oscillations in a superconducting nanowire circuit
Schön, Y.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Schneider, A.; Skacel, S. T.; Weides, M. P.; Cole, J. H.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2020. npj quantum materials, 5, Art.-Nr.: 18. doi:10.1038/s41535-020-0220-xVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Nondegenerate Parametric Amplifiers Based on Dispersion-Engineered Josephson-Junction Arrays
Winkel, P.; Takmakov, I.; Rieger, D.; Planat, L.; Hasch-Guichard, W.; Grünhaupt, L.; Maleeva, N.; Foroughi, F.; Henriques, F.; Borisov, K.; Ferrero, J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Roch, N.; Pop, I. M.
2020. Physical review applied, 13 (2), Art. Nr.: 024015. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.024015
Introducing coherent time control to cavity magnon-polariton modes
Wolz, T.; Stehli, A.; Schneider, A.; Boventer, I.; Macêdo, R.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kläui, M.; Weides, M.
2020. Communications Physics, 3 (1), Article No.3. doi:10.1038/s42005-019-0266-xVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
DEMETRA: Suppression of the Relaxation Induced by Radioactivity in Superconducting Qubits
Cardani, L.; Casali, N.; Catelani, G.; Charpentier, T.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cruciani, A.; Gironi, L.; Gruenhaupt, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Henriques, F.; Lagoin, M.; Martinez, M.; Pirro, S.; Pop, I. M.; Rusconi, C.; Ustinov, A.; Valenti, F.; Vignati, M.; Wernsdorfer, W.
2020. Journal of low temperature physics, 199, 475–481. doi:10.1007/s10909-019-02265-9
Dynamical decoupling of quantum two-level systems by coherent multiple Landau–Zener transitions
Matityahu, S.; Schmidt, H.; Bilmes, A.; Shnirman, A.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.; Schechter, M.; Lisenfeld, J.
2019. npj Quantum information, 5 (1), Art. Nr.: 114. doi:10.1038/s41534-019-0228-xVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Electric field spectroscopy of material defects in transmon qubits
Lisenfeld, J.; Bilmes, A.; Megrant, A.; Barends, R.; Kelly, J.; Klimov, P.; Weiss, G.; Martinis, J. M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2019. npj Quantum information, 5 (1), Article: 105. doi:10.1038/s41534-019-0224-1VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Planar Architecture for Studying a Fluxonium Qubit
Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Tsitsilin, I. A.; Mazhorin, G. S.; Abramov, N. N.; Grigor’ev, A.; Rodionov, I. A.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Moskalev, D. O.; Pishchimova, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2019. JETP letters, 110 (8), 574–579. doi:10.1134/S0021364019200074
Transmon qubit in a magnetic field: Evolution of coherence and transition frequency
Schneider, A.; Wolz, T.; Pfirrmann, M.; Spiecker, M.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2019. Physical review research, 1 (2), 023003. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.023003VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Granular aluminium as a superconducting material for high-impedance quantum circuits
Grünhaupt, L.; Spiecker, M.; Gusenkova, D.; Maleeva, N.; Skacel, S. T.; Takmakov, I.; Valenti, F.; Winkel, P.; Rotzinger, H.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Ustinov, A. V.; Pop, I. M.
2019. Nature materials, 18 (8), 816–819. doi:10.1038/s41563-019-0350-3
Automated analysis of single-tone spectroscopic data for cQED systems
Fedorov, G. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2019. Quantum science and technology, 4 (4), Art. Nr.: 045009. doi:10.1088/2058-9565/ab478b
Phonon traps reduce the quasiparticle density in superconducting circuits
Henriques, F.; Valenti, F.; Charpentier, T.; Lagoin, M.; Gouriou, C.; Martínez, M.; Cardani, L.; Vignati, M.; Grünhaupt, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Ferrero, J.; Skacel, S. T.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Ustinov, A. V.; Catelani, G.; Sander, O.; Pop, I. M.
2019. Applied physics letters, 115 (21), Art.-Nr.: 212601. doi:10.1063/1.5124967
Correlating Decoherence in Transmon Qubits: Low Frequency Noise by Single Fluctuators
Schlör, S.; Lisenfeld, J.; Müller, C.; Bilmes, A.; Schneider, A.; Pappas, D. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2019. Physical review letters, 123 (19), Article No.190502. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.190502
Ferromagnet/Superconductor Hybrid Magnonic Metamaterials
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Dzhumaev, P. S.; Emelyanova, O. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2019. Advanced science, 6 (16), Article No.1900435. doi:10.1002/advs.201900435
Unconventional magnetic field effect on noise properties of AlOₓ thin films in Kondo-like transport regime
Barone, C.; Rotzinger, H.; Mauro, C.; Dorer, D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Pagano, S.
2019. European physical journal special topics, 228 (3), 697–702. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2019-800146-1
Resonance inversion in a superconducting cavity coupled to artificial atoms and a microwave background
Leppäkangas, J.; Brehm, J. D.; Yang, P.; Guo, L.; Marthaler, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2019. Physical review / A, 99 (6), Art.-Nr.: 063804. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.063804
Phase-sensitive imaging of microwave currents in superconductive circuits
Karpov, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Averkin, A. S.; Chichkov, V. I.; Ustinov, A. V.
2019. Applied physics letters, 114 (23), Art. Nr.: 232601. doi:10.1063/1.5109726
Mode Structure in Superconducting Metamaterial Transmission-Line Resonators
Wang, H.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Indrajeet, S.; Taketani, B. G.; Hutchings, M. D.; Hao, Y.; Rouxinol, F.; Wilhelm, F. K.; Lahaye, M. D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Plourde, B. L. T.
2019. Physical review applied, 11 (5), 054062. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.054062
Interplay between Kinetic Inductance, Nonlinearity, and Quasiparticle Dynamics in Granular Aluminum Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
Valenti, F.; Henriques, F.; Catelani, G.; Maleeva, N.; Grünhaupt, L.; Von Lüpke, U.; Skacel, S. T.; Winkel, P.; Bilmes, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Goupy, J.; Calvo, M.; Benoît, A.; Levy-Bertrand, F.; Monfardini, A.; Pop, I. M.
2019. Physical review applied, 11 (5), 054087. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.054087
Analysis of microwave-readable RFTES bolometer
Merenkov, A. V.; Chichkov, V. I.; Ustinov, A. V.; Shitov, S. V.
2019. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 1182 (1), Art. Nr.: 012009. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1182/1/012009VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Interplay of Magnetization Dynamics with a Microwave Waveguide at Cryogenic Temperatures
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Pfirrmann, M.; Piskor, T.; Voss, J. N.; Baranov, D. S.; Hovhannisyan, R. A.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Dubs, C.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2019. Physical review applied, 11 (4), Art. Nr.: 044076. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.044076
Imaging collective behavior in an rf-SQUID metamaterial tuned by DC and RF magnetic fields
Zhuravel, A. P.; Bae, S.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Averkin, A. S.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2019. Applied physics letters, 114 (8), Art. Nr.: 082601. doi:10.1063/1.5064658
Modified dispersion law for spin waves coupled to a superconductor
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2018. Journal of applied physics, 124 (23), 233903. doi:10.1063/1.5077086
Circuit quantum electrodynamics of granular aluminum resonators
Maleeva, N.; Grünhaupt, L.; Klein, T.; Levy-Bertrand, F.; Dupre, O.; Calvo, M.; Valenti, F.; Winkel, P.; Friedrich, F.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Ustinov, A. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Monfardini, A.; Fistul, M. V.; Pop, I. M.
2018. Nature Communications, 9, Article: 3889. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06386-9VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Superconducting RFTES Detector at Milli-Kelvin Temperatures
Merenkov, A. V.; Chichkov, V. I.; Ermakov, A. B.; Ustinov, A. V.; Shitov, S. V.
2018. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 28 (7), Art. Nr.: 2100305. doi:10.1109/TASC.2018.2827981
Probing dynamics of micro-magnets with multi-mode superconducting resonator
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Shchetinin, I. V.; Dzhumaev, P. S.; Averkin, A. S.; Kozlov, S. N.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2018. Journal of applied physics, 123 (17), 173904. doi:10.1063/1.5025028
Erratum: Concentric transmon qubit featuring fast tunability and an anisotropic magnetic dipole moment (Applied Physics Letters (2016) 108 (032601) DOI: 10.1063/1.4940230)
Braumüller, J.; Sandberg, M.; Vissers, M. R.; Schneider, A.; Schlör, S.; Grünhaupt, L.; Rotzinger, H.; Marthaler, M.; Lukashenko, A.; Dieter, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.; Pappas, D. P.
2018. Applied physics letters, 112 (9), Art. Nr.: 099901. doi:10.1063/1.5025273
Quantum simulation of the spin-boson model with a microwave circuit
Leppäkangas, J.; Braumüller, J.; Hauck, M.; Reiner, J.-M.; Schwenk, I.; Zanker, S.; Fritz, L.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.; Marthaler, M.
2018. Physical review / A, 97 (5), Art.-Nr.: 052321. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.052321
Probing individual tunneling fluctuators with coherently controlled tunneling systems
Meißner, S. M.; Seiler, A.; Lisenfeld, J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weiss, G.
2018. Physical review / B, 97 (18), Art.-Nr.: 180505. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.180505
Local sensing with the multilevel ac Stark effect
Schneider, A.; Braumüller, J.; Guo, L.; Stehle, P.; Rotzinger, H.; Marthaler, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2018. Physical review / A, 97 (6), Art.-Nr.: 062334. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.062334
Fluxon-based quantum simulation in circuit QED
Petrescu, A.; Türeci, H. E.; Ustinov, A. V.; Pop, I. M.
2018. Physical review / B, 98 (17), Art.Nr. 174505. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.98.174505
A Superconducting Resonator with a Hafnium Microbridge at Temperatures of 50–350 mK
Merenkov, A. V.; Shitov, S. V.; Chichkov, V. I.; Ermakov, A. B.; Kim, T. M.; Ustinov, A.
2018. Technical physics letters, 44 (7), 581–584. doi:10.1134/S106378501807012X
Loss Mechanisms and Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconducting Microwave Resonators Made of Thin-Film Granular Aluminum
Grünhaupt, L.; Maleeva, N.; Skacel, S. T.; Calvo, M.; Levy-Bertrand, F.; Ustinov, A. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Monfardini, A.; Catelani, G.; Pop, I. M.
2018. Physical review letters, 121 (11), 117001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.117001
Charge quantum interference device
Graaf, S. E. de; Skacel, S. T.; Hönigl-Decrinis, T.; Shaikhaidarov, R.; Rotzinger, H.; Linzen, S.; Ziegler, M.; Hübner, U.; Meyer, H.-G.; Antonov, V.; Il’ichev, E.; Ustinov, A. V.; Tzalenchuk, A. Y.; Astafiev, O. V.
2018. Nature physics, 14 (6), 590–594. doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0097-9
Ferromagnet/Superconductor Hybridization for Magnonic Applications
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Bolginov, V. V.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2018. Advanced functional materials, 28 (33), Art. Nr.: 1802375. doi:10.1002/adfm.201802375
Imaging the paramagnetic nonlinear Meissner effect in nodal gap superconductors
Zhuravel, A. P.; Bae, S.; Shevchenko, S. N.; Omelyanchouk, A. N.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2018. Physical review / B, 97 (5), Art.Nr. 054504. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.054504
Magnetically induced transparency of a quantum metamaterial composed of twin flux qubits
Shulga, K. V.; Il’ichev, E.; Fistul, M. V.; Besedin, I. S.; Butz, S.; Astafiev, O. V.; Hübner, U.; Ustinov, A. V.
2018. Nature Communications, 9, 150. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02608-8VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Analog quantum simulation of the Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime
Braumüller, J.; Marthaler, M.; Schneider, A.; Stehli, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Weides, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2017. Nature Communications, 8 (1), Art. Nr. 779. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00894-wVolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Transmission-line resonators for the study of individual two-level tunneling systems
Brehm, J. D.; Bilmes, A.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2017. Applied physics letters, 111 (11), Art. Nr. 112601. doi:10.1063/1.5001920
Electronic Decoherence of Two-Level Systems in a Josephson Junction
Bilmes, A.; Zanker, S.; Heimes, A.; Marthaler, M.; Schön, G.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2017. Physical review / B, 96 (6), Art. Nr. 064504. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.96.064504
An argon ion beam milling process for native AlOₓ layers enabling coherent superconducting contacts
Grünhaupt, L.; Lüpke, U. von; Gusenkova, D.; Skacel, S. T.; Maleeva, N.; Schlör, S.; Bilmes, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.; Pop, I. M.
2017. Applied physics letters, 111 (7), Art. Nr. 072601. doi:10.1063/1.4990491
Superconducting noise bolometer with microwave bias and readout for array applications
Kuzmin, A. A.; Semenov, A. D.; Shitov, S. V.; Merker, M.; Wünsch, S. H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Siegel, M.
2017. Applied physics letters, 111 (4), Art. Nr. 042601. doi:10.1063/1.4995981
Rabi noise spectroscopy of individual two-level tunneling defects
Matityahu, S.; Lisenfeld, J.; Bilmes, A.; Shnirman, A.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.; Schechter, M.
2017. Physical review / B, 95 (24), Art. Nr. 241409. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.241409
Coherent oscillations of driven rf SQUID metamaterials
Trepanier, M.; Zhang, D.; Mukhanov, O.; Koshelets, V. P.; Jung, P.; Butz, S.; Ott, E.; Antonsen, T. M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2017. Physical review / E, 95 (5), Art.Nr.: 050201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.95.050201
Superconductive Ultracompact Magnetically Coupled Resonator With Twin-Spiral Structure
Averkin, A. S.; Karpov, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P.; Anlage, S. M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2017. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 27 (4), Art. Nr:. 1502204. doi:10.1109/TASC.2017.2659225
Observation of a collective mode of an array of transmon qubits
Shulga, K. V.; Yang, P.; Fedorov, G. P.; Fistul, M. V.; Weides, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2017. JETP letters, 105 (1), 47–50. doi:10.1134/S0021364017010143
Ferromagnetic resonance with long Josephson junction
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Emelyanova, O. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Ryazanov, V. V.
2017. Superconductor science and technology, 30 (5), Art.Nr. 054005. doi:10.1088/1361-6668/aa66a9
Progress in Development of the Superconducting Bolometer with Microwave Bias and Readout
Shitov, S. V.; Kuzmin, A. A.; Merker, M.; Chichkov, V. I.; Merenkov, A. V.; Ermakov, A. B.; Ustinov, A. V.; Siegel, M.
2017. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 27 (4), 2100805. doi:10.1109/TASC.2017.2655507
Aluminium-oxide wires for superconducting high kinetic inductance circuits
Rotzinger, H.; Skacel, S. T.; Pfirrmann, M.; Voss, J. N.; Münzberg, J.; Probst, S.; Bushev, P.; Weides, M. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Mooij, J. E.
2017. Superconductor science and technology, 30 (2), 025002. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/30/2/025002
Electrically and magnetically resonant dc-SQUID metamaterials
Shramkova, O. V.; Lazarides, N.; Tsironis, G. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2016. Applied physics / A, 123 (1), Article number 58. doi:10.1007/s00339-016-0692-5
1D Josephson quantum interference grids: Diffraction patterns and dynamics
Lucci, M.; Badoni, D.; Corato, V.; Merlo, V.; Ottaviani, I.; Salina, G.; Cirillo, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Winkler, D.
2016. Journal of physics / D, 49 (6), Art.Nr.: 065303. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/6/065303
Nanoscale nonlinear effects in Erbium-implanted Yttrium Orthosilicate
Kukharchyk, N.; Shvarkov, S. D.; Probst, S.; Xia, K.; Becker, H. W.; Pal, S.; Markmann, S.; Kolesov, R. L.; Siyushev, P.; Wrachtrup, J.; Ludwig, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wieck, A. D.; Bushev, P. A.
2016. Journal of Luminescence, 177, 266–274. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.05.010
Imaging Coherent Response of Superconducting Metasurface
Averkin, A. S.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Jung, P.; Maleeva, N. A.; Koshelets, V. P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Karpov, A. I.; Ustinov, A. V.
2016. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 26 (3), Art.Nr.: 7386580. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2519509
Concentric transmon qubit featuring fast tunability and an anisotropic magnetic dipole moment
Braumüller, J.; Sandberg, M.; Vissers, M. R.; Schneider, A.; Schlör, S.; Grünhaupt, L.; Rotzinger, H.; Marthaler, M.; Lukashenko, A.; Dieter, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.; Pappas, D. P.
2016. Applied Physics Letters, 108 (3), 032601. doi:10.1063/1.4940230
Quantum technology: from research to application
Schleich, W. P.; Ranade, K. S.; Anton, C.; Arndt, M.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Bayer, M.; Berg, G.; Calarco, T.; Fuchs, H.; Giacobino, E.; Grassl, M.; Hänggi, P.; Heckl, W. M.; Hertel, I.-V.; Huelga, S.; Jelezko, F.; Keimer, B.; Kotthaus, J. P.; Leuchs, G.; Lütkenhaus, N.; Maurer, U.; Pfau, T.; Plenio, M. B.; Rasel, E. M.; Renn, O.; Silberhorn, C.; Schiedmayer, J.; Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.; Schönhammer, K.; Ustinov, A.; Walther, P.; Weinfurter, H.; Welzl, E.; Wiesendanger, R.; Wolf, S.; Zeilinger, A.; Zoller, P.
2016. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 122 (5), 130. doi:10.1007/s00340-016-6353-8
Decoherence spectroscopy with individual two-level tunneling defects
Lisenfeld, J.; Bilmes, A.; Matityahu, S.; Zanker, S.; Marthaler, M.; Schechter, M.; Schön, G.; Shnirman, A.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.
2016. Scientific Reports, 6, 23786. doi:10.1038/srep23786VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Sine-Gordon breathers generation in driven long Josephson junctions
Guarcello, C.; Fedorov, K.; Valenti, D.; Spagnolo, B.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. arXiv, 1501.04037 
Microwave multimode memory with an erbium spin ensemble
Probst, S.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P. A.
2015. Physical review / B, 92 (1), Art. Nr. 014421. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.014421
Electrodynamics of planar Archimedean spiral resonator
Maleeva, N.; Averkin, A.; Abramov, N. N.; Fistul, M. V.; Karpov, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. Journal of applied physics, 118 (3), Art. Nr.:033902. doi:10.1063/1.4923305
Nonreciprocal transmission of microwaves through a long Josephson junction
Pankratov, A. L.; Fedorov, K. G.; Salerno, M.; Shitov, S. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. Physical review / B, 92 (10), Art. Nr.: 104501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.104501
Experimental Study of Spectral Properties of a Frenkel-Kontorova System
Lucci, M.; Badoni, D.; Merlo, V.; Ottaviani, I.; Salina, G.; Cirillo, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Winkler, D.
2015. Physical review letters, 115 (10), Art. Nr.: 107002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.107002
Experiments with tunable superconducting metamaterials
Ustinov, A. V.
2015. IEEE transactions on terahertz science and technology, 5 (1), 22–26. doi:10.1109/TTHZ.2014.2379433
Wide-range bolometer with RF readout TES
Shitov, S. V.; Abramov, N. N.; Kuzmin, A. A.; Merker, M.; Arndt, M.; Wuensch, S.; Ilin, K. S.; Erhan, E. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Siegel, M.
2015. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 25 (3), Art. Nr. 2101704. doi:10.1109/TASC.2014.2385090
One-dimensional Josephson junction arrays: Lifting the Coulomb blockade by depinning
Vogt, N.; Schäfer, R.; Rotzinger, H.; Cui, W.; Fiebig, A.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. Physical review / B, 92, 045435/1–7. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.045435
Efficient and robust analysis of complex scattering data under noise in microwave resonators
Probst, S.; Song, F. B.; Bushev, P. A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2015. Review of Scientific Instruments, 86 (2), 024706. doi:10.1063/1.4907935
Probing the density of states of two-level tunneling systems in silicon oxide films using superconducting lumped element resonators
Skacel, S. T.; Kaiser, C.; Wuensch, S.; Rotzinger, H.; Lukashenko, A.; Jerger, M.; Weiss, G.; Siegel, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (2), 022603. doi:10.1063/1.4905149
Multiphoton dressing of an anharmonic superconducting many-level quantum circuit
Braumüller, J.; Cramer, J.; Schlör, S.; Rotzinger, H.; Radtke, L.; Lukashenko, A.; Yang, P.; Skacel, S. T.; Probst, S.; Marthaler, M.; Guo, L.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2015. Physical review / B, 91 (5), 054523. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.91.054523
Observation of directly interacting coherent two-level systems in an amorphous material
Lisenfeld, J.; Grabovskij, G.; Müller, C.; Cole, J.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.
2015. Nature Communications, 6, 6182/1–6. doi:10.1038/ncomms7182VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Broadband sample holder for microwave spectroscopy of superconducting qubits
Averkin, A. S.; Karpov, A.; Shulga, K.; Glushkov, E.; Abramov, N.; Huebner, U.; Il’ichev, E.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Review of scientific instruments, 85 (10), 104702. doi:10.1063/1.4896830
Electrodynamics of a ring-shaped spiral resonator
Maleeva, N.; Fistul, M. V.; Karpov, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Averkin, A.; Jung, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (6), 064910. doi:10.1063/1.4863835
Fluxon readout of a superconducting qubit
Fedorov, K. G.; Shcherbakova, A. V.; Wolf, M. J.; Beckmann, D.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Physical Review Letters, 112 (16), 160502/1–5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.160502
Erratum: A one-dimensional tunable magnetic metamaterial (Optics Express)
Butz, S.; Jung, P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Optics express, 22 (11), 13041–13042. doi:10.1364/OE.22.013041VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Progress in superconducting metamaterials
Jung, P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2014. Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (7), 073001. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/27/7/073001
Photoluminescence of focused ion beam implanted Er3+: Y2SiO5 crystals
Kukharchyk, N.; Pal, S.; Rödiger, J.; Ludwig, A.; Probst, S.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P.; Wieck, A. D.
2014. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 8 (10), 880–884. doi:10.1002/pssr.201409304
Strong coupling of an Er-doped YAlO crystal to a superconducting resonator
Tkalcec, A.; Probst, S.; Rieger, D.; Rotzinger, H.; Wuensch, S.; Kukharchyk, N.; Wieck, A. D.; Siegel, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P.
2014. Physical review / B, 90 (7), 075112. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.075112
Three-dimensional cavity quantum electrodynamics with a rare-earth spin ensemble
Probst, S.; Tkalcec, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Rieger, D.; Le Floch, J.-M.; Goryachev, M.; Tobar, M. E.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P. A.
2014. Physical review / B, 90 (10), 100404. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.100404
Hybrid quantum circuit with implanted erbium ions
Probst, S.; Kukharchyk, N.; Rotzinger, H.; Tkalčec, A.; Wünsch, S.; Wieck, A. D.; Siegel, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P. A.
2014. Applied Physics Letters, 105 (16), 162404. doi:10.1063/1.4898696
Flux-dependent crossover between quantum and classical behavior in a dc SQUID
Butz, S.; Feofanov, A. K.; Fedorov, K. G.; Rotzinger, H.; Thomann, A. U.; Mackrodt, B.; Dolata, R.; Geshkenbein, V. B.; Blatter, G.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Physical Review Letters, 113 (24), 247005. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.247005
Implementation of a quantum metamaterial using superconducting qubits
Macha, P.; Oelsner, G.; Reiner, J.-M.; Marthaler, M.; André, S.; Schön, G.; Hübner, U.; Meyer, H.-G.; Ilichev, E.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Nature Communications, 5, 5146. doi:10.1038/ncomms6146
Multistability and switching in a superconducting metamaterial
Jung, P.; Butz, S.; Marthaler, M.; Fistul, M. V.; Leppäkangas, J.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2014. Nature Communications, 5, Art. Nr. 3730. doi:10.1038/ncomms4730
Low-loss tunable metamaterials using superconducting circuits with Josephson junctions
Jung, P.; Butz, S.; Shitov, S. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Applied physics letters, 102 (6), Art.Nr.: 062601. doi:10.1063/1.4792705
Imaging the anisotropic nonlinear meissner effect in nodal YBa 2Cu3O7-δ thin-film superconductors
Zhuravel, A. P.; Ghamsari, B. G.; Kurter, C.; Jung, P.; Remillard, S.; Abrahams, J.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2013. Physical review letters, 110 (8), Art.Nr.: 087002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.087002
Protecting SQUID metamaterials against stray magnetic fields
Butz, S.; Jung, P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Superconductor science and technology, 26 (9), Art.Nr.: 094003. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/26/9/094003
Compacted tunable split-ring resonators
Vidiborskiy, A.; Koshelets, V. P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Shitov, S. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Applied physics letters, 103 (16), Art.Nr.: 162602. doi:10.1063/1.4826255
Design and experimental study of superconducting left-handed transmission lines with tunable dispersion
Ovchinnikova, E. A.; Butz, S.; Jung, P.; Koshelets, V. P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Averkin, A. S.; Shitov, S. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Superconductor science and technology, 26 (11), 114003 
Thermally activated conductance in arrays of small Josephson junctions
Zimmer, J.; Vogt, N.; Fiebig, A.; Syzranov, S. V.; Lukashenko, A.; Schäfer, R.; Rotzinger, H.; Shnirman, A.; Marthaler, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88 (14), 144506/1–5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.144506
A one-dimensional tunable magnetic metamaterial
Butz, S.; Jung, P.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Optics express, 21 (19), 22540–22548. doi:10.1364/OE.21.022540VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Anisotropic Rare-Earth Spin Ensemble Strongly Coupled to a Superconducting Resonator
Probst, S.; Rotzinger, H.; Wünsch, S.; Jung, P.; Jerger, M.; Siegel, M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Bushev, P. A.
2013. Physical Review Letters, 110 (15), 157001/1–5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.157001
Josephson vortex coupled to a flux qubit
Fedorov, K. G.; Shcherbakova, A. V.; Schäfer, R.; Ustinov, A. V.
2013. Applied Physics Letters, 102, 132602/1–4. doi:10.1063/1.4800585
Switching nonlinearity in a superconductor-enhanced metamaterial
Kurter, C.; Tassin, P.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Zhang, L.; Koschny, T.; Ustinov, A. V.; Soukoulis, C. M.; Anlage, S. M.
2012. Applied physics letters, 100 (12), Art.Nr.: 121906. doi:10.1063/1.3696297
Unconventional rf photoresponse from a superconducting spiral resonator
Zhuravel, A. P.; Kurter, C.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2012. Physical review / B, 85 (13), Art. Nr. 134535. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.134535
Nonreciprocal microwave transmission through a long Josephson junction
Fedorov, K. G.; Shitov, S. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2012. Physical review / B, 85 (18), Art. Nr. 184512. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.184512
Frequency division multiplexing readout and simultaneous manipulation of an array of flux qubits
Jerger, M.; Poletto, S.; Macha, P.; Hübner, U.; Il’ichev, E.; Ustinov, A. V.
2012. Applied physics letters, 101 (4), Art.Nr.: 042604. doi:10.1063/1.4739454
Strain tuning of individual atomic tunneling systems detected by a superconducting qubit
Grabovskij, G. J.; Peichl, T.; Lisenfeld, J.; Weiss, G.; Ustinov, A. V.
2012. Science, 338 (6104), 232–234. doi:10.1126/science.1226487
Classical Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with a Metal-Superconductor Hybrid Metamaterial
Kurter, C.; Tassin, P.; Zhang, L.; Koschny, T.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.; Soukoulis, C. M.
2011. Physical review letters, 107 (4), Art. Nr. 043901. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.043901
Pinning of charge and flux solitons in disordered Josephson junction arrays
Fedorov, K. G.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2011. Physical review / B, 84 (1), Art.Nr.: 014526. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.014526
Microscopic examination of hot spots giving rise to nonlinearity in superconducting resonators
Kurter, C.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2011. Physical review / B, 84 (10), 104515–1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.104515
Aluminum hard mask technique for the fabrication of high quality submicron Nb/A-AlOₓ/Nb Josephson junctions
Kaiser, C.; Meckbach, J. M.; Ilin, K. S.; Lisenfeld, J.; Schäfer, R.; Ustinov, A. V.; Siegel, M.
2011. Superconductor science and technology, 24 (3), Art.Nr. 035005. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/24/3/035005
Superconducting RF Metamaterials Made With Magnetically Active Planar Spirals
Kurter, C.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Abrahams, J.; Bennett, C. L.; Ustinov, A. V.; Anlage, S. M.
2011. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (3), 709–712. doi:10.1109/TASC.2010.2088093
Readout of a qubit array via a single transmission line
Jerger, M.; Poletto, S.; Macha, P.; Hübner, U.; Lukashenko, A.; Il’ichev, E.; Ustinov, A. V.
2011. Europhysics Letters, 96 (4), 40012/1–4. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/96/40012
Ultralow-power spectroscopy of a rare-earth spin ensemble using a superconducting resonator
Bushev, P.; Feofanov, A. K.; Rotzinger, H.; Protopopov, I.; Cole, J. H.; Wilson, C. M.; Fischer, G.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2011. Physical review / B, 84 (6), 060501(R)/1–4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.060501
Entangling microscopic defects via a macroscopic quantum shuttle
Grabovskij, G. J.; Bushev, P.; Cole, J. H.; Müller, C.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2011. New journal of physics, 13 (6), 063015/1–11. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/13/6/063015VolltextVolltext der Publikation als PDF-Dokument
Incoherent microwave-induced resistive states of small Josephson junctions
Koval, Y.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Low Temperature Physics, 36 (10), 951/1–8. doi:10.1063/1.3518082
Effect of LaAlO3 twin-domain topology on local dc and microwave properties of cuprate films
Zhuravel, A. P.; Anlage, S. M.; Remillard, S. K.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (3), Art.Nr.:033920. doi:10.1063/1.3467003
A superconducting 180° hybrid ring coupler for circuit quantum electrodynamics
Hoffmann, E.; Deppe, F.; Niemczyk, T.; Wirth, T.; Menzel, E. P.; Wild, G.; Huebl, H.; Mariantoni, M.; Weißl, t.; Lukashenko, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Marx, A.; Gross, R.
2010. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (22), 222508/1–3. doi:10.1063/1.3522650
Microwave readout scheme for a Josephson phase qubit
Wirth, T.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (26), 262508/1–3. doi:10.1063/1.3533805
Multiphoton spectroscopy of a hybrid quantum system
Bushev, P.; Müller, C.; Lisenfeld, J.; Cole, J. H.; Lukashenko, A.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Physical Review B, 82 (13), 134530/1–6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.82.134530
Rabi spectroscopy of a driven qubit-fluctuator system
Lisenfeld, J.; Müller, C.; Cole, J. H.; Bushev, P.; Lukashenko, A.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Physical Review B, 81 (10), 100511(R)/1–4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.100511
Quantitative evaluation of defect-models in superconducting phase qubits
Cole, J. H.; Müller, C.; Bushev, P.; Grabovskij, G. J.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Shirman, A.
2010. Applied Physics Letters, 97 (25), 252501/1–3. doi:10.1063/1.3529457
Measuring the Temperature Dependence of Individual Two-Level Systems by Direct Coherent Control
Lisenfeld, J.; Müller, C.; Cole, J. H.; Bushev, P.; Lukashenko, A.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Physical Review Letters, 105 (23), 230504/1–4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.230504
Vortex qubit based on an annular Josephson junction containing a microshort
Price, A. N.; Kemp, A.; Gulevich, D. R.; Kusmartsev, F. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2010. Physical Review B, 81 (1), Art.Nr.014506/1–12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.81.014506
Escape Rate Measurements and Microwave Spectroscopy of 0, pi, and 0-pi ferromagnetic Josephson Tunnel Junctions
Pfeiffer, J.; Gaber, T.; Koelle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Goldobin, E.; Weides, M.; Kohlstedt, H.; Lisenfeld, J.; Feofanov, A. K.; Ustinov, A. V.
2009. ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:0903.1046/1–8 
Electronic transport in mesoscopic superconductor/2D electron gas junctions in strong magnetic field
Batov, I. E.; Schaepers, T.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M.; Golubov, A. A.; Hardtdegen, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2009. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Physics, 73 (7), 880–882. doi:10.3103/S1062873809070053
Coherent oscillations in a superconducting tunable flux qubit manipulated without microwaves
Poletto, S.; Chiarello, F.; Castellano, M. G.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Cosmelli, C.; Torioli, G.; Carelli, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2009. New Journal of Physics, 11 (1), 013009/1–10. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/1/013009
A tunable rf Squid manipulated as flux and phase qubit
Poletto, S.; Chiarello, F.; Castellano, M. G.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Carelli, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2009. Physica Scripta: Topical issues, 2009 (T137), 014011/1–6. doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2009/T137/014011
Macroscopic quantum coherence in rf-SQUIDs
Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2008. Controllable Quantum States. Proceedings of the International Symposium NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, J, 27 February - 2 March 2006. Ed.: H. Takayanagi, 65–70, World Scientific Publishing. doi:10.1142/9789812814623_0011
Imaging of vortex flow in microstructured high-T c films by laser scanning microscope
Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Hollmann, E.; Wordenweber, R.
2008. Physica / C, 468, 552–556 
Static and dynamic properties of 0, pi, and 0-pi ferromagnetic Josephson tunnel junctions
Pfeiffer, J.; Kemmler, M.; Koelle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Goldobin, E.; Weides, M.; Feofanov, A. K.; Lisenfeld, J.; Ustinov, A. V.
2008. Physical review / B, 77 (21), 214506 
Resonances between fluxons and plasma waves in underdamped Josephson transmission lines of stripline geometry
Ustinov, A. V.; Pfeiffer, J.; Abdumalikov, A. A.; Schuster, M.
2008. Physical Review B, 77 (2), 024511/1–6 
Improved powder filters for qubit measurements
Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2008. Review of Scientific Instruments, 79 (1), 14701/1–4 
Tunability of Superconducting Metamaterials
Ustinov, A. V.; Ricci, M. C.; Xu, H.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Anlage, S. M.
2007. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2), 918–921 
Imaging of microscopic sources of resistive and reactive nonlinearities in superconducting microwave devices
Zhuravel, A. P.; Anlage, S. M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2007. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2), 902–905 
High-contrast readout of superconducting qubits beyond the single-shot resolution limit
Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2007. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (23), 232502/1–3 
Temperature dependence of coherent oscillations in Josephson phase qubits
Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.; Lukashenko, A.; Ansmann, M.; Martinis, J. M.
2007. Physical Review Letters, 99 (17), 170504/1–4 
Quantum cavity modes in spatially extended Josephson systems
Ustinov, A. V.; Fistul, M. V.
2007. Physical Review B, 75 (21), 214506/1–5 
Microwave Current Imaging in Passive HTS Components by Low-Temperature Laser Scanning Microscopy (LTLSM)
Zhuravel, A. P.; Anlage, S. M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2006. Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism, 19 (7-8), 625–632. doi:10.1007/s10948-006-0123-5
Detection of 0.5THz radiation from intrinsic Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Josephson junctions
Batov, I. E.; Jin, X. Y.; Shitov, S. V.; Koval, Y.; Müller, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2006. Applied physics letters, 88 (26), Art.Nr.: 262504. doi:10.1063/1.2214157
Laser scanning microscopy of HTS films and devices (Review Article)
Zhuravel, A. P.; Sivakov, A. G.; Turutanov, O. G.; Omelyanchouk, A. N.; Anlage, S. M.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Abraimov, D.
2006. Low temperature physics, 32 (6), 592–607. doi:10.1063/1.2215376
Energy level spectroscopy of a bound vortex-antivortex pair
Kemp, A.; Fistul, M. V.; Wallraff, A.; Koval, Y.; Lukashenko, A.; Malomed, B. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2006. Quantum Computing in Solid State Systems. Ed.: B. Ruggiero, 95–102, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/0-387-31143-2_12
Laser scanning microscopy of guided vortex flow in microstructured high-Tc films
Ustinov, A. V.; Lukashenko, A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Hollmann, E.; Wördenweber, R.
2006. Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2), 023913/1–4 
Measurement of local reactive and resistive photoresponse of a superconducting microwave device
Zhuravel, A. P.; Anlage, S. M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2006. Applied Physics Letters, 88 (21), 212503/1–3 
Nonlocal electrodynamics of long ultranarrow Josephson junctions: Experiment and theory
Ustinov, A. V.; Abdumalikov, A. A.; Kurin, V. V.; Helm, C.; De Col, A.; Koval, Y.
2006. Physical Review B, 74 (13), 134515/1–11 
Observation of soliton fusion in a Josephson array
Ustinov, A. V.; Pfeiffer, J.; Schuster, M.; Abdumalikov Jr., A. A.
2006. Physical Review Letters, 96 (3), 034103/1–4 
Enhanced macroscopic quantum tunneling in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 intrinsic Josephson-junction stacks
Ustinov, A. V.; Jin, X. Y.; Lisenfeld, J.; Koval, Y.; Lukashenko, A.; Mueller, P.
2006. Physical Review Letters, 96 (17), 177003/1–4 
Solid-State Qubits with Current-Controlled Coupling
Ustinov, A. V.; Hime, T.; Reichardt, P. A.; Plourde, B. L. T.; Robertson, T. L.; Wu, C.-E.; Clarke, J.
2006. Science, 314 (5804), 1427–1429 
Quantum Dynamics of Vortices and Vortex Qubits
Wallraff, A.; Kemp, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2005. Quantum Information Processing. Ed.: T. Beth, 162–185, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/3527606009.ch13
Imaging local dissipation and magnetic field in YBCO films with artificial defects
Abraimov, D. V.; Feldmann, D. M.; Polyanskii, A. A.; Gurevich, A.; Liao, S.; Daniels, G. A.; Larbalestier, D. C.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2005. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 15 (2), 2954–2957. doi:10.1109/TASC.2005.848679
Extreme multiphoton phenomena in Josephson junctions : Euclidean resonance
Ivlev, B.; Pepe, G.; Latempa, R.; Barone, A.; Barkov, F.; Lisenfeld, J.; Ustinov, A. V.
2005. Physical review / B, 72 (9), Art. Nr. 094507. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.72.094507
Resonant plasmon scattering by discrete breathers in Josephson junction ladders
Ustinov, A. V.; Miroshnichenko, A. E.; Schuster, M.; Flach, S.; Fistul, M. V.
2005. Physical Review B, 71 (17), 174306/1–8 
Vortex radiation in long narrow Josephson junctions: Theory and experiment
Abdumalikov, A. A.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2005. Physical Review B, 72 (14), 144526/1–7 
Experimental test of a superconducting digital interface for vortex qubits
Kaplunenko, V. K.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. The European physical journal / B, 38 (1), 3–8. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2004-00091-3
Two-fluxon dynamics in an annular Josephson junction
Abdumalikov, A. A.; Malomed, B. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. Physical review / B, 69 (14), 144502–1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.69.144502
Microwave-induced flow of vortices in long Josephson junctions
Barkov, F. L.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. Physical review / B, 70 (13), 134515–1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.70.134515
Andreev reflection and enhanced subgap conductance in NbN∕Au∕InGaAs‐InP junctions
Batov, I. E.; Schäpers, T.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. Journal of applied physics, 96 (6), 3366–3370. doi:10.1063/1.1783612
Microscopic Imaging of RF Current Distribution and Intermodulation Sources in Superconducting Microwave Devices
Zhuravel, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Harshavardhan, K. S.; Remillard, S.; Anlage, S.
2004. Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, EXS-3, EE9.7.1 - EE9.7.3 
Enhancement of Josephson Phase Diffusion by Microwaves
Koval, Y.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. Physical review letters, 93 (8), Art. Nr. 087004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.087004
Spontaneous creation of discrete breathers in Josephson arrays
Schuster, M.; Pignatelli, F.; Ustinov, A. V.
2004. Physical Review B, 69 (9), 094507/1–5 
Scanning laser imaging of dissipation in YBaCuO coated conductors
Ustinov, A. V.; Abraimov, D. V.; Feldmann, D. M.; Polyanskii, A. A.; Gurevich, A.; Larbalestier, D. C.; Zhuravel, A. P.
2004. Applied physics letters, 85 (13), 2568–2570. doi:10.1063/1.1794377
Ratchet-like dynamics of fluxons in Annular Josephson Junctions Driven by Biharmonic Microwave Fields
Ustinov, A. V.; Coqui, C.; Kemp, A.; Zolotaryuk, Y.; Salerno, M.
2004. Physical Review Letters, 93 (8), 087001/1–4 
Switching current measurements of large area Josephson tunnel junctions
Wallraff, A.; Lukashenko, A.; Coqui, C.; Kemp, A.; Duty, T.; Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Review of scientific instruments, 74 (8), 3740–3748. doi:10.1063/1.1588752
Multiphoton Transitions between Energy Levels in a Current-Biased Josephson Tunnel Junction
Wallraff, A.; Duty, T.; Lukashenko, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Physical review letters, 90 (3), Art. Nr. 037003. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.037003
Quantum escape of the phase in a strongly driven Josephson junction
Fistul, M. V.; Wallraff, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Physical review / B, 68 (6), Art. Nr. 060504. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.68.060504
Quantum computing using superconductors
Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Nanoelectronics and information technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices. Hrsg.: R. Waser, 461–472, Wiley-VCH Verlag 
Rapid single flux quantum logic using pi-shifters
Ustinov, A. V.; Kaplunenko, V. K.
2003. Journal of applied physics, 94, 5405–5407 
Imaging of discrete breathers
Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Chaos, 13 (2), 716–724 
Observation of breather-like states in a single Josephson cell
Pignatelli, F.; Ustinov, A. V.
2003. Physical Review E, 67 (3), 036607/1–7 
Josephson behavior of phase-slip lines in wide superconducting strips
Ustinov, A. V.; Sivakov, A. G.; Glukhov, A. M.; Omelyanchouk, A. N.; Koval, Y.; Müller, P.
2003. Physical Review Letters, 91 (26), 267001/1–4 
Quantum dissociation of a vortex-antivortex pair in a long Josephson junction
Ustinov, A. V.; Fistul, M. V.; Wallraff, A.; Koval, Y.; Lukashenko, A.; Malomed, B. A.
2003. Physical Review Letters, 91 (25), 257004/1–4 
Quantum dynamics of a single vortex
Ustinov, A. V.; Wallraff, A.; Lukashenko, A.; Lisenfeld, J.; Kemp, A.; Fistul, M. V.; Koval, Y.
2003. Nature, 425 (6954), 155–158 
Super-relativistic fluxon in a Josephson multilayer : Experiment and simulation
Zitzmann, J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Levitchev, M.; Sakai, S.
2002. Physical review / B, 66 (6), Art. Nr. 064527. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.66.064527
Observation of stochastic resonance in percolative Josephson media
Glukhov, A. M.; Sivakov, A. G.; Ustinov, A. V.
2002. Low temperature physics, 28 (6), 383–386. doi:10.1063/1.1491176
Fluxon insertion into annular Josephson junctions
Ustinov, A. V.
2002. Applied physics letters, 80 (17), 3153–3155. doi:10.1063/1.1474617
Progressive motion of an ac-driven kink in an annular damped system
Goldobin, E.; Malomed, B. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2002. Physical review / E, 65 (5), Art. Nr. 056613. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.65.056613
Exploration of a rich variety of breather modes in Josephson ladders
Binder, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2002. Physical Review E, 66 (1), 016603/1–9 
Incommensurate dynamics of resonant breathers in Josephson junction ladders
Ustinov, A. V.; Fistul, M. V.; Miroshnichenko, A. E.; Flach, S.; Schuster, M.
2002. Physical Review B, 65 (17), 174524/1–5 
Influence of LaAlO3 surface topography on rf current distribution in superconducting microwave devices
Zhuravel, A. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Harshavardhan, H.; Anlage, S. M.
2002. Applied Physics Letters, 81 (26), 4979–4981 
Imaging sub-millimeter waves in planar cryoelectronic circuits by scanning laser microscopy
Abraimov, D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Shitov, S. V.
2001. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 11 (1), 716–720. doi:10.1109/77.919445
Enhanced microwave power from triangular arrays of small Josephson junctions
Caputo, P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Yukon, S. P.
2001. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 11 (1), 454–458. doi:10.1109/77.919381
Superconducting integrated receiver as 400-600 GHz tester for coolable devices
Shitov, S. V.; Levitchev, M.; Veretennikov, A. V.; Koshelets, V. P.; Prokopenko, G. V.; Filippenko, L. V.; Ermakov, A. B.; Shtanyuk, A. M.; Kohlstedt, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2001. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 11 (1), 832–835. doi:10.1109/77.919473
Observation of progressive motion of ac-driven solitons
Ustinov, A. V.; Malomed, B. A.
2001. Physical review / B, 64 (2), 203021–203024. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.020302
Magnetic field penetration in a long Josephson junction imbedded in a wide stripline
Franz, A.; Wallraff, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Journal of applied physics, 89 (1), 471–476. doi:10.1063/1.1325006
Resonances in one and two rows of triangular Josephson junction cells
Caputo, P.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Physical review / B, 63 (21), 2145101–2145107. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.63.214510
Experiments with Discrete Breathers in Josephson Arrays
Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications. Ed.: F. Abdullaev, 173–187, Kluwer Academic Publishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-010-0542-5_13
Quantum Computing Using Superconductors
Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Neue Materialen für die Informationstechnik : Vorlesungsmanuskripte des 32. IFF-Ferienkurses. Hrsg.: R. Waser, D4.1-D4.11, Forschungszentrum Jülich 
ac-induced damping of a fluxon in a long Josephson junction
Fistul, M. V.; Goldobin, E.; Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Physical review / B, 64 (9), Art. Nr. 092501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.092501
Observation of breather resonances in Josephson ladders
Schuster, M.; Binder, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2001. Physical review / E, 65 (1), Art. Nr. 016606. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.65.016606
Splitting of the subgap resistance peak in superconductor/two-dimensional electron gas contacts at high magnetic fields
Uhlisch, D.; Lachenmann, S. G.; Schäpers, T.; Braginski, A. I.; Lüth, H.; Appenzeller, J.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Physical review / B, 61 (18), 12463–12466. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.61.12463
Whispering Vortices
Wallraff, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kurin, V. V.; Shereshevsky, I. A.; Vdovicheva, N. K.
2000. Physical review letters, 84 (1), 151–154. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.151
Maximum velocity of a fluxon in a stack of coupled Josephson junctions
Goldobin, E.; Malomed, B. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Physics letters / A, 266 (1), 67–75. doi:10.1016/S0375-9601(99)00883-X
Bunching of fluxons by Cherenkov radiation in Josephson multilayers
Goldobin, E.; Malomed, B. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Physical review / B, 62 (2), 1414–1420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.1414
Microwave spectroscopy on a double quantum dot with an on-chip Josephson oscillator
Holleitner, A. W.; Qin, H.; Simmel, F.; Irmer, B.; Blick, R. H.; Kotthaus, J. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Eberl, K.
2000. New journal of physics, 2 (1), 2. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/2/1/302
Escape of a Josephson vortex trapped in an annular Josephson junction
Fistul, M. V.; Castellano, M. G.; Cirillo, M.; Torrioli, G.; Wallraff, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Physica / B, 284 (Part 1), 585–586. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(99)02208-5
Observation of whispering gallery resonances in annular Josephson junctions
Wallraff, A.; Franz, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kurin, V. V.; Shereshevsky, I. A.; Vdovicheva, N. K.
2000. Physica / B, 284 (1), 575–576. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(99)02193-6
Spatial distribution of critical current and supercurrent density in individual filaments extracted from Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes
Sivakov, A. G.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Turutanov, O. G.; Dmitrenko, I. M.; Abraimov, D. V.; Müller, P.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Physica / B, 284-288, 2071–2072. doi:10.1016/S0921-4526(99)02899-9
Cherenkov Radiation from Fluxon in a Stack of Coupled Long Josephson Junctions
Goldobin, E.; Wallraff, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Journal of low temperature physics, 119 (5/6), 589–614. doi:10.1023/A:1004677528120
Analysis of a hot-spot response of a long Josephson junction in the flux-flow regime
Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 167, 177–180 
Spatially inhomogeneous temperature effects in Josephson tunnel junctions
Abraimov, D.; Fistul, M. V.; Caputo, P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Logvenov, G. Y.
2000. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 167, 169–172 
Annular Long Josephson Junctions in a Magnetic Field: Engineering and Probing the Fluxon Interaction Potential
Wallraff, A.; Koval, Y.; Levitchev, M.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2000. Journal of low temperature physics, 118 (5), 543–553. doi:10.1023/A:1004674908169
Low-temperature scanning laser microscopy of individual filaments extracted from (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x tapes
Sivakov, A. G.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Abraimov, D.; Müller, P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Leghissa, M.
2000. Applied physics letters, 76 (18), 2597–2599. doi:10.1063/1.126420
Experimental critical current patterns in Josephson junction ladders
Binder, P.; Caputo, P.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Filatrella, G.
2000. Physical review / B, 62 (13), 8679–8682. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.8679
Observation of breathers in Josephson ladders
Ustinov, A. V.; Binder, P.; Abraimov, D.; Flach, S.; Zolotaryuk, Y.
2000. Physical Review Letters, 84 (4), 745–748